3 Ways Inbound Marketing Is More Effective Than Traditional Marketing
July 6, 2015
The Top 5 Content Marketing Trends Dominating 2015
July 14, 2015There are a number of common mistakes that Singapore digital marketers make when using social networking sites to get more exposure for their business. Instead of using social media to build relationships, marketers commit these mistakes to build up a negative online presence and repel the very connections they are reaching out to.
Surely you do not want to plummet your business to the bottom too? Discover the following 8 mistakes so you can avoid them.
1. Naked Profile
Most professional marketers would take pride in sprucing up their profile information, and yet for others who have not done up their profiles, they would be losing much credibility in the eyes of readers. No one wants to do business with someone they don’t know, so pack in as much professional experience as possible. It helps with keyword optimization so prospects can easily search for you.
Also have a nice picture of yourself so readers can recognize you for posting updates in your feed.
2. Too Much Selling Or Hype
There are documented statistics whereby active social media usage leads to an ROI increase, but the process is rather gradual and intricate. You won’t be seeing a Fortune 500 brand like Toyota or Apple publishing a promotional post or tweet every day. What these brands do is adopt a strategy to strike a balanced ratio between value-adding and promotional posts, e.g. 1 promotion for every 10 educational posts, and if they do have something to sell, they would prepare a pre-selling campaign to talk about a product or service and the problems it solves for a time period before the actual launch date. It is an effective way to warm up prospects and build anticipation.
3. Posting Ads On The Wall Of “Online Friends'” Accounts
This one is a big no-no. It really shows a lack of decorum or etiquette and a lack of respect for the personal space created on the connections’ accounts. Do you honestly think they’ll sign up for your business just because you shove it down their throat?
Social networking, like real-world business networking, is all about making friends, being helpful, and being REAL. People want to do business with people they can identify with and who they can get to know as a friend first and foremost.
If they want to know what you’re doing to make money online they will ASK YOU. Then you have the opportunity and the PERMISSION to tell them and they won’t feel like they’re being sold to.
4. Lack Of Personality
Social media users are an educated lot. They know when they are being marketed to. If they wish, they can conduct their own online snooping or investigation to learn more about you, but they won’t do so just to purchase from you. Eliminate barriers between you and prospects by posting more about your brand, company and corporate culture and values. Showing a “human face” that is representative of your business helps to make it relatable and therefore build trust with potential buyers.
5. Infrequent Posting
Consistent, high-quality posting is key to staying on top of your readers’, followers’ and prospects’ mind. The more you post, the more likely followers engage with you, and then it is just as important to be responsive to their comments and messages.
6. Random Posting
Random social postings do not help your prospects to quickly understand what your business is all about. Keep the scope of your business topics tight, and only post what is necessary, essential and relevant so that you are focusing on your target audience and your brand is well represented.
7. Not Being Proactive In Engagement
More postings are not the answer to profitable social media marketing. Instead, mix up your posts between being informational and conversational. Ask followers what they like to read in the future. Ask them for suggestions to how you can serve them better. Run surveys, sweepstakes, lucky draws or contests for them to participate in. These are opportunities for you, as a marketer, to get personal with them. They will feel appreciated and become more inclined to look up to you as a source of solutions first thing on their mind!
8. Poor Social Media Monitoring
Without proper monitoring, you won’t be aware of significant positive and especially negative comments. Strong positive comments can help you identify who your most staunch followers are so you can tap on them as influencers of their own social networks and also offer them incentives for becoming promoters of your business.
More importantly, negative comments keep you on your toes so that you can quickly respond to address any problems or issues before they snowball.
So, is there any one mistake you are guilty of? It’s time to re-evaluate your social media marketing strategy and plug the holes to keep your online presence, and by extension your business, safe and sound.