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Do You Want 100% Google Page Speed? Follow this 8-Step Guide!

google page speed

Don’t let your customers get away! According to Google, visitors who experience a load time of seven seconds or more are 113% more likely to bounce off a page! (

If you're working hard on SEO strategies, don't ignore this since a low page speed could allow another site to get ahead of you on the search engine results page (SERPS). To ensure that your website has a proper load speed, follow this 8-step Guide:


1. Pause. Take a deep breath. Understand where you’re lagging.


  • Content Management Systems or CMSs are usually loaded with in-built software tools or plugins that can help to detect the reason behind lags or delays in loading time
  • The most important step is to resolve the issue ASAP
  • If you’re not sure about which tool to go for, you can always opt for free tools like,
  • Google’s Page Speed Insights, is one among the best guides out there!
  • Some of the most popular and commonly-used tools are: Website Grader, GTM Metrix, KeyCDN Website Speed Test and Pingdom!

    2. Compress your images.

    image compression
  • Large, uncompressed images are usually the underlying reason for slow page speeds
  • Google developers suggest the image should as small as you can before losing crispness, and some of the hosts indicated that you should aim for files under 200KB
  • Use and to compress images or you can also use Photoshop.
  • Make sure to crop or re-size an image prior to uploading on the website, because your file size is the size of the actual image you uploaded

3. Shrink your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.


  • Google developers suggest removing useless language, notes and spaces that are generally left out or forgotten when a page is being created or updated
4. Eliminate render-blocking elements.

render-blocking tools

  • Ensure that you prioritise your code so your main content comes first above the fold
  • This is to prevent less important elements like sidebars or banners from loading before the main content

    5. Accelerate your mobile speed.
    mobile page speed
  • In recent years, more than half of the google searches are done on mobile devices. ---Which means a mobile-optimized site is important for any user to access
  • In fact, Google rewards mobile-optimized sites.
  • Apart from High SERPS or Search Engine Results Pages, Google will also give you a higher page speed score -- and possibly a higher ranking -- if your mobile site loads quickly.

6. Try to avoid or minimise page redirects.

page redirect

  • A redirect is a function that will automatically be directed to one or more different locations, before they hit their desired webpage
  • You should only use redirects when very necessary because they affect your page speed by eating into valuable time

7. Improve your server response times.

response time

  • According to Google (, a website’s response time should not exceed 200 milliseconds
  • This is mainly because, it will lead to different issues like a “502 Gateway error”
  • Using servers from a host company such as GoDaddy or contacting a knowledgeable representative might also help you determine and solve the problem

8. Use a content delivery network.


  • A content delivery network or CDN can store browser cache of your website and load it quickly for visitors around the globe
  • If there are website visitors from different geographies, pages will be loaded from nearby CDN servers
  • It helps prevent low loading speeds for visitors who are far away

If you want to learn more about how Google indexes pages, head on over to this blog!
