Pitfalls of Email Marketing
November 4, 2016
Double Your Conversion Rates for Free
November 15, 2016With over 2 billion internet users, where can business owners go to find potential visitors to their website? Well, you could try the top U.S. website: Facebook.
Facebook captures 10% of all internet visits, with visitors spending an average of 28 minutes on the site. Even more revealing, 50% of Facebook Fans prefer brand pages to company websites. Read more about Facebook facts and figures.
Many people wondering if they really should give up their website and only focus on Facebook that you have no control over. Facebook can change its platform or shut down Pages without any input from you. However you have absolute control over your website. So use Facebook as your marketing strategy for sending traffic and leads to your website.
Post Quality Content on Facebook, too.
Content is your Facebook strategy. Without content you would not be able to Update Your Facebook Status, Launch Facebook Ads, Share Information with fans. Quality content that your targeted audiences will be interested in should fill your profile pages and groups – it’s what social networking is all about. There are varieties of content types:
- Blogging
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Relatable Examples
- Visuals
- Pose Questions
- Videos
- Quotes or Facts
You should also be consistent with your postings and do it on a regular basis. This is important particularly for building up followers for your brand. Your postings should be relevant and generate excitement that feeds your targeted audiences.
Interact and Reciprocate:
Social media is all about interacting and reciprocating with your targeted audience that may potentially turn on as a lead. The biggest mistake people are doing right now in social media is that they only care about promoting their contents while not paying attention in interacting which is actually the true sense of social media. The focus is to connect with people then interact with them on their posts and share them to all your social media accounts. Slowly but surely these people will notice you and reciprocate your efforts.
Set up Facebook pages:
Pages are like you own website within Facebook and a great way to promote you band. Customization is a bit limited though but you can make use of third-party tools and apps to improve your Page.
Set Up Your Facebook Groups:
Facebook groups are like an Online Forum/Discussion Board and are very useful for generating leads and potential customers. Groups can focus only on one topic or genre depending on how you intended them to be.
Good Vanity URL for Your Facebook Groups and Pages:
Attract leads from online users by using an appropriate vanity URL. It gives personalization to online users. You should set a vanity URL that is relevant and can immediately identify your brand, product or services – making it easy for targeted audiences to find you at Facebook.
Host a Facebook chat:
A Facebook Chat is a virtual gathering of Facebook users to discuss a common topic. You can use a Facebook Chat to bring fans together around a conversation topic you selected.
Webinar Events:
Hosting webinars where visitors can come and receive valuable information is a great way to generate leads. Create a custom event page to capture leads from Facebook.
Add Call-To-Action to Posts:
You should pair quality content with a good image or a link that enhances your message. Make sure to add a phone number, email address depending on how to buy.
Add customized tabs to Facebook pages:
By adding tabs “Contact Us”, “Book Now” or “Subscribe” to your Facebook page facilitates lead capture without sending customers away from Facebook.
So, embrace the idea of Facebook as a rich network, content distribution and engagement channel that allows you to connect with prospects and customers–in other words, actual people.