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December 29, 2014
Discover The 5 Major Aspects Of A Successful Lead Nurturing Campaign
January 5, 2015Your article marketing strategy will prove to be useless if your article will not be accepted by the publishers who review what you have been submitting.
And to ensure the probability that your articles will be accepted, here are some important points to remember before you go into article submissions.1. Check and proof-read your own article. Some authors do not proof-read their articles because they find it takes a lot of time. But if you want your articles to be accepted quickly and easily, it is your duty to make help out the publisher. How do you do this?
The first thing you should do is to check and review you grammar and spelling more than once. You might have missed something when you checked the first time around but you will come upon it the second or third time.
It is also best if you have and know someone that will review it for you. Ask that person to look for anything that does not seem right. This would be from grammar to sentence formation. They are more likely to see mistakes that you have missed.
When writing articles, you get very familiar with the content that you will not anymore aware of mistakes committed.
It is very easy for writers to miss out obvious mistakes. Adding some familiarity into them does not help either. You will just commit more because of this. By having someone read article, this problem will be eliminated.
2. Your articles should have value. If you want free traffic for your site, articles are the best ways to do it. But keep in mind that they are not supposed to be an advertisement. That is why you are using them in the first place. Making your articles appear like one will make publishers delete them so fast you would not know what hit them.
Put yourself in the publishers’ shoes. Their primary concern is to look for some new, fresh and useful content to supply to their readers. For them, good articles are personal commentaries about the latest trend in the industry or reviews about a certain product.
Trying to include a link to your site is obviously advertising. The instant they see that, they dispose of them quickly without bothering to read that you have written a good content. All you efforts thrashed.
Try to go back to the time when you were just new in the article marketing business. You were hungry to get the freshest and the most valuable information. Your articles were all precious to you.
Every writer has the right to a resource box space at the end of each article. This will serve as your advertisement. And this is as far as you can go. Readers who have found your article interesting would surely want to go visit your site to get more information about you and what you are offering.
As small as they seem to be, resource boxes serve much greater purpose if you compare it with others that are promoting visibly and with obvious advertising mediums posted.
When writing your resource box, try to be as brief as you can. They do not have to be near as long as your article. Try to also limit the number of links you put into them. The standard resource box consists of only 4 to 5 lines.
3. Articles should be straight and up to the point. An article is written with one key point in mind and that is to be informational. Do not beat around the bush, be as clear as you possibly can. Keep in mind that your readers are of varying intellectual capacity. Not all can understand idioms or figures of speech.
It is said that an article that is appears to be boring to you may be clear and understandable to your readers. You should have a writing style that is not too difficult to follow. Nothing turns a reader off more than reading an article that seem to go on circles.
Creating a quality article can be easy. Just try to consider your content, your readers and the publishers and you are on your way to a fast and steady start to profits.
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