eBook Writing: Simple 6-Step Process To Writing Your Own eBook
June 6, 2016
Your LinkedIn Profile Audit Checklist
June 20, 2016More subscribers are almost as good as money in the bank, so here you go…
1. Include a call-to-action at the end of your blog posts.
Let your visitors know that if they like your blog posts, they’ll love your newsletter content.
That’s because you save some of your best niche tips, tricks and secrets for subscribers.
To get more subscribers, include a link to your landing page at the bottom of your posts, along with a reason to click on that link.
Example: Discover 101 more weight loss tricks for free—click here!
2. Encourage a viral effect.
You can get more subscribers simply by including a note at the bottom of every newsletter where you encourage your existing subscribers to forward your email to their friends, family and colleagues who could benefit from the information.
Example: “Do you know someone else who could benefit from these dog training secrets? Please forward this e-mail to them—they’ll thank you for it!”
3. Use your forum signature file to get new subscribers.
If you’re visiting busy niche forums, include an ad and a call-to-action in your forum signature.
Example: “Free report reveals the health secrets your doctor doesn’t want you to know! Click here to claim your copy now…”
4. Point your social followers to a free report.
Make full use of social media sites—Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest—to grow your list.
Simply point your fans and followers towards your squeeze page to pick up a free report. Include this link on your profile page as well as in some of your posts.
5. Embed your links in your products.
Include links in your free reports too and encourage your readers to share what they have read with their friends.
6. Drive traffic to your landing page using videos.
You can create YouTube.com videos for the sole purpose of driving traffic to your newsletter sign-up page.
To get the best results, include a call-to-action at the end of your video where you promise viewers they can get the second part of the video—for free—when they join your list.
7. Tap into Hubpages to get new subscribers.
Create Hubpages.com pages around niche topics with the purpose of driving visitors and point as many links as possible to your landing page.
8. Co-promote with others in your niche.
Here you can swap endorsements with your partners. You can post your endorsements on your respective blogs as well as in your newsletters. I’ve also very successfully done ad swaps where I swap ads with other marketers.
9. Unleash the power of content marketing.
First create a multi-part article series around a niche topic.
Then upload Part 1 to the article directories (such as: EzineArticles.com, GoArticles.com and IdeaMarketers.com) and upload the rest of the series to your autoresponder.
Use your article byline to encourage people to get the rest of the series (starting with Part 2) by clicking through to your squeeze page.
10. Form a newsletter co-op.
Do a co-registration deal with one or more people in your niche, that is, when a prospect joins your partners newsletter, they also get the option of joining your newsletter at the same time (simply by checking a checkbox).
You can use each of these 10 lead generation methods to get dozens, hundreds or even thousands of new subscribers. Test them out, track performance and do it over and over again. Just imagine how big your list will be once you apply all these methods.