What Content Should You Have On Your Website Home Page?
April 7, 2017
SEO: Do Images Require Optimisation?
April 13, 2017Short answer: Yes, they will!
Just like Santa Claus knows if you’ve been good or bad. Just like the Tooth Fairy knows when you’ve lost a tooth. Just like your parents can sense when you’ve missed your curfew.
The point is Google knows (everything). Don’t try to fool them – especially following Google’s Penguin algorithm update – or you will be sent to your room (well, in this case, penalized).
If you know you have bad sites linking to you, that’s okay. It’s not too late. Just make sure you disavow them!
“With penalty algorithms, negative SEO can now impact businesses that are not carefully watching their backlinks and other metrics. There have even been studies of sites hit by negative SEOs that sent bogus traffic and negatively impacted bounce rate and CTR from Google SERPs. Watch your link profile, analytics, and be on the lookout for misuse.”
– Marcela DeVivo, Griffyn Media
Extracted by Stanley Mak from our e-Book, “18 SEO Myths You Should Leave Behind in 2017.”