Can Singapore Marketers Avoid Being Behind Times In Inbound Marketing?
September 1, 2014
How To Use Twitter To Generate Sales Leads
September 8, 2014It has been said that blogging should be an important feature of your overall Inbound Marketing* strategy. We blog to share our views and at the same time generate more interest and traffic to the blog. No doubt there is plenty of online information telling you what to do, but I’m sure many Singapore companies and marketers still face difficulty in generating sufficient interest and sales leads. This is because of some bad blogging habits that they unknowingly picked up but never identified to break. Here are these 3 habits which you should avoid at once.
(Too Much) Brand Lovin’
Firstly, Singapore and Asian marketers have to understand the fundamentals of sharing information on their blogs. We all understand that people have a sense of identity and belonging when they work in a company they love. However, what your prospects ultimately want are answers to their problems, not more information about your brand.
What draws their attention will be the solutions you can provide, or answers to their doubts. If you can do that by first identifying and thinking through some of the actual problems or challenges that people face, that will lead to needing a product or service of yours, and then writing blog posts which focus on these specific problems and how to solve them (if readers choose to solve by themselves. The alternative is to get someone to do it for them, which is YOU), they will be more aware of your blog, and in the end, be aware of your brand. If you start off with flooding them about your company’s information, goals, history, etc., you are more likely to put them off!
Your answers to problems in readers’ mind is the ultimate value proposition leading to better chances at sales conversion. Being able to blog in a pre-emptive manner is a skill of an effective marketer.
Too Many Jargons
Your readers may not be well-versed about your industry. Whatever jargons you use on your blog will largely affect the readability of your post. For a successful post, your readers should not be searching for meanings of the words that you have used. They should be kept simple, easy to read and hence relatable for the reader.
This habit occurs more likely as you climb up the executive chain as you gain more knowledge and expertise. To counter this problem, you can work together with your team to put a post together. The different levels of people in your team will be able to identify any grammar mistakes or jargons.
Riding The Bandwagon
Everything sounds great about riding the bandwagon. You are fine if you are aligned with what other successful companies in the industry are doing. However, there’s a time where you need to realise that you need to DRIVE this bandwagon, not simply ride on it.
This habit of riding the bandwagon does not ensure success for sure. How are you different from other companies? It positions your company as being behind the trend/news, and trying to catch-up every time. It also shows that your article is nothing special, has no added advantages, and is just a post that can be found anywhere else. Instead, try including an interesting twist or spin on your topics and posts for a competitive edge.
These might be habits that you thought didn’t matter to your traffic. Try breaking them and adapting to a new writing style to observe any slight improvement in generating interests and traffic to your blog.
* Inbound marketing is a form of digital marketing that involves SEO, Social Media and landing pages to generate sales leads.